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Horry County Museum and L.W. Paul Living History Farm will be closed for Veterans Day

Beyond Barbados: The Carolina Connection

Horry County Museum 805 Main Street, Conway, SC, United States

The 2022 Horry County Museum Documentary Film Series continues with Beyond Barbados: The Carolina Connection. Part of the SCETV Carolina Stories Series, Beyond Barbados traces the historic influence of the small island of Barbados on the development of the Carolinas. Scholars examine the cultural exchange that impacted the development of language, food and architecture, and recount how the economic and governmental systems created, tested and proven by the West Indies sugar industry forged the prosperity and power of the Carolinas – chief among them the institution of slavery.
The film is free to the public and will be shown at 1:00 PM, Wednesday, November 16th, at the Horry County Museum, located at 805 Main Street in Conway.
The Horry County Museum Documentary Film Matinees will continue throughout 2022. For a full list of films, visit our website at For more information, call the Horry County Museum at 843-915-5320 or e-mail

Syrup Day at the L.W. Paul Living History Farm

L.W. Paul Living History Farm 2279 Harris Short Cut Rd, Conway, SC, United States

A large part of farm life in Horry County involved old-fashioned syrup making. Each fall, sugar cane would be gathered from the field and taken to a local cane mill where the juice could be squeezed from the stalk. Cooking down the raw juice into sweet cane syrup became a celebration and gathering for the community and is a tradition that is carried on each year at the L.W. Paul Living History Farm. Join us at the Farm Saturday, November 19th from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm as staff and volunteers demonstrate the process of making cane syrup and a variety of other traditional activities including children’s games, cooking on a wood burning stove, and more!
This event is free and open to the public. The L.W. Paul Living History Farm is located at 2279 Harris Short Cut Road in Conway, SC. For more information, call (843) 915-5321 or e-mail

Patriot Dream: The Story of the Pilgrims

Horry County Museum 805 Main Street, Conway, SC, United States

The 2022 Horry County Museum Documentary Film Series continues with Patriot Dream: The Story of the Pilgrims. This locally produced documentary tells the story of the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony, whose arrival in America in 1620 shaped the founding of the nation. Shot on location in the Pilgrim country of Great Britain and in the Cape Cod region of Massachusetts, it traces the extraordinary story of the Pilgrims from their troubles in 17th century England through their escape to Holland and their dramatic voyage to America.
The film is free to the public and will be shown at 1:00 PM, Wednesday, November 23rd, at the Horry County Museum, located at 805 Main Street in Conway.
The Horry County Museum Documentary Film Matinees will continue throughout 2022. For a full list of films, visit our website at For more information, call the Horry County Museum at 843-915-5320 or e-mail


Horry County Museum and L.W. Paul Living History Farm will be closed for Thanksgiving


Horry County Museum and L.W. Paul Living History Farm will be closed for Thanksgiving


Horry County Museum and L.W. Paul Living History Farm will be closed for Thanksgiving

Inductees from the World War II era into the South Carolina Hall of Fame

The 2022 Horry County Museum Documentary Film Series continues with a documentary by South Carolina ETV on inductees from the World War II era into the South Carolina Hall of Fame. Established in 1973, The South Carolina Hall of Fame, located in Myrtle Beach, inducts one deceased and one contemporary honoree each year. It is by law the “official” Hall of Fame for South Carolina. There are nearly 100 members of the South Carolina Hall of Fame, each of whom has made outstanding contributions to South Carolina’s heritage, history, and progress.

Biographies of World War II era inductees include William Farrow, Thomas Dry Howie, Jacob Smart, Lucile Godbold, Strom Thurmond, Robert Bass, John Heller, and Donald Russell.

The film is free to the public and will be shown at 1:00 PM, Wednesday, November 30th, at the Horry County Museum, located at 805 Main Street in Conway.

The Horry County Museum Documentary Film Matinees will continue throughout 2022. For a list of films, visit our website at For more information, call the Horry County Museum at 843-915-5320 or e-mail