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SC Hall of Fame Early 20th Century Inductees

Horry County Museum 805 Main Street, Conway, SC, United States

The 2022 Horry County Museum Documentary Film Series continues with a documentary by South Carolina ETV on inductees from the early 20th century into the South Carolina Hall of Fame. Established in 1973, The South Carolina Hall of Fame, located in Myrtle Beach, inducts one deceased and one contemporary honoree each year. It is by law the “official” Hall of Fame for South Carolina. There are nearly 100 members of the South Carolina Hall of Fame, each of whom has made outstanding contributions to South Carolina’s heritage, history, and progress.
Biographies of early 20th century inductees include James Lide Coker, Walker Gill Wylie, Bernard Baruch, Susan Pringle Frost, Mary McLeod Bethune, Anna Hyatt Huntington, Julia Mood Peterkin, and James F. Byrnes.
The film is free to the public and will be shown at 1:00 PM, Wednesday, August 24th, at the Horry County Museum, located at 805 Main Street in Conway.
The Horry County Museum Documentary Film Matinees will continue throughout 2022. For a list of films, visit our website at For more information, call the Horry County Museum at 843-915-5320 or e-mail

Free Children’s Program at the L.W. Paul Living History Farm

L.W. Paul Living History Farm 2279 Harris Short Cut Rd, Conway, SC, United States

Join us for free 30 minute Saturday activities at the Farm! Parents can sign children up for a half hour session between 9 AM-11 AM. Group sizes will be limited to help ensure social distancing. On August 27th children will learn how families in the past made butter. They’ll also make their own butter to sample!
For information about available times and to register, contact Marian Calder at 843-915-7861 or email . Available sessions are 9, 9:30, 10 or 10:30, please specify which session you would like upon registering.
The L.W. Paul Living History Farm is open Tuesday through Saturday, 9 AM-4 PM and is located at 2279 Harris Short Cut Road, Conway, SC 29526.

The Impact of Flue-Cured Tobacco on Horry County, SC

Horry County Museum 805 Main Street, Conway, SC, United States

After the rise of the boll weevil made cotton crops unstable, flue-cured tobacco became the main cash crop of Horry County. This presentation focuses on the impact of the auction system and the ways in which farmers and buyers attempted to push the prices in their favor. Join us on August 27th at 1 pm to learn more about the impact of flue-cured tobacco with Horry County Museum Technical Assistant Abigail Geedy.

SC Hall of Fame Early 20th Century Inductees

Horry County Museum 805 Main Street, Conway, SC, United States

The 2022 Horry County Museum Documentary Film Series continues with part two of a documentary by South Carolina ETV on inductees from the early 20th century into the South Carolina Hall of Fame. Established in 1973, The South Carolina Hall of Fame, located in Myrtle Beach, inducts one deceased and one contemporary honoree each year. It is by law the “official” Hall of Fame for South Carolina. There are nearly 100 members of the South Carolina Hall of Fame, each of whom has made outstanding contributions to South Carolina’s heritage, history, and progress.
Biographies of early 20th century inductees include Wil Lou Gray, Archibald Rutledge, Elizabeth O’Neill Verner, Mary Simms Oliphant, Ann Austin Young, Benjamin Mays, Elliott White Springs, Septima Clark, and Maude Callen.
The film is free to the public and will be shown at 1:00 PM, Wednesday, August 31st, at the Horry County Museum, located at 805 Main Street in Conway.
The Horry County Museum Documentary Film Matinees will continue throughout 2022. For a list of films, visit our website at For more information, call the Horry County Museum at 843-915-5320 or e-mail


Closed September 3rd for Labor Day.

South Carolina Hall of Fame

Horry County Museum 805 Main Street, Conway, SC, United States

The 2022 Horry County Museum Documentary Film Series continues with a documentary by South Carolina ETV on inductees from the 20th century into the South Carolina Hall of Fame. Established in 1973, The South Carolina Hall of Fame, located in Myrtle Beach, inducts one deceased and one contemporary honoree each year. It is by law the “official” Hall of Fame for South Carolina. There are nearly 100 members of the South Carolina Hall of Fame, each of whom has made outstanding contributions to South Carolina’s heritage, history, and progress.
Biographies of 20th century inductees include Elizabeth B. Coker, Philip Simmons, William Westmoreland, William S. Hall, Roger Milliken, Charles Townes, William J. Bryan Dorn, Frances Edmunds, and Dizzy Gillespie.
The film is free to the public and will be shown at 1:00 PM, Wednesday, September 7th, at the Horry County Museum, located at 805 Main Street in Conway.
The Horry County Museum Documentary Film Matinees will continue throughout 2022. For a list of films, visit our website at For more information, call the Horry County Museum at 843-915-5320 or e-mail

Peanut Boil at the L.W. Paul Living History Farm

L.W. Paul Living History Farm 2279 Harris Short Cut Rd, Conway, SC, United States

Visitors of all ages are invited to join us Saturday, September 10th from 9 AM-12 PM at the L.W. Paul Living History Farm as we celebrate one of our favorite treats, the peanut! Learn about boiling peanuts and the importance of the peanut on the family farm. We’ll also have cooking demonstrations, activities for kids, and more!
The L.W. Paul Living History Farm is open Tuesday-Saturday 9 AM-4 PM and teaches the history of the Horry County farm family from 1900-1955. The farm is free and open to the public and is located at the corner of Hwy 701 North and Harris Short Cut Road in Conway, SC. For more information, call the L. W. Paul Living History Farm at 843-915-5321 or email
For a full list of programs and events at the Horry County Museum and L.W. Paul Living History Farm, visit

They Were Here: Ice Age Humans in South Carolina. Part of the Carolina Stories Series by SCETV

Horry County Museum 805 Main Street, Conway, SC, United States

The 2022 Horry County Museum Documentary Film Series continues with They Were Here: Ice Age Humans in South Carolina. Part of the Carolina Stories Series by SCETV, this 30 minute film tells the story of a time when our climate was cooler and the plants and animals were much different than today. A time when great ice sheets covered the northern areas of what was to become the United States. A time when early humans were coming to chert quarries in what is now Allendale County, South Carolina. This documentary covers the careful study and analysis of artifacts leading to evidence of a time when people inhabited South Carolina 15,000-20,000 years ago.
The film is free to the public and will be shown at 1:00 PM, Wednesday, September 14th, at the Horry County Museum, located at 805 Main Street in Conway.
The Horry County Museum Documentary Film Matinees will continue throughout 2022. For a full list of films, visit our website at For more information, call the Horry County Museum at 843-915-5320 or e-mail