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Active Adult Series

Horry County Museum 805 Main Street, Conway, SC, United States

The monthly Active Adult Series at the Horry County Museum will continue on June 18th at 1:00 PM with a program on Hurricanes of the Grand Strand. Join us to learn about the history and impact of some of the major storms that have hit Horry County. The Active Adult Series is held the third Tuesday of each month and is perfect for new residents to the area, or lifetime locals who want to learn more about the place that they call home.

Carolina Stories: Chasing the Swamp Fox

Horry County Museum 805 Main Street, Conway, SC, United States

The 2019 Horry County Museum Documentary Film Series continues with Chasing the Swamp Fox. This film, part of the Carolina Stories Series by SCETV, details Francis Marion’s partisan campaigns during the American Revolution in South Carolina and paints a mosaic of what life was like in those years and how Marion’s participation led to the birth of modern day guerilla warfare as well as the liberation of our country.

The film is free to the public and will be shown at 1:00 PM, Wednesday, June 19th, at the Horry County Museum, located at 805 Main Street in Conway.

Farm Animal Day

L.W. Paul Living History Farm 2279 Harris Short Cut Rd, Conway, SC, United States

Experience life on the “one horse farm” in Horry County from 1900-1955 at the L.W. Paul Living History Farm. Join us on June 22nd from 9:00 AM until 11:30 AM to learn about the different animals on the farm and their various roles.
For farmers who wanted egg production from their hens, a broody hen could be a problem. When broody, a hen wants her eggs to hatch and may stop laying eggs if she is not allowed to hatch chicks. Join us as farm staff will talks about hens and ways to prevent them from becoming broody. The public is also invited to help feed the animals. From 9:00-9:30 visitors can select an ear of corn, shell it, and use it to feed the chickens.

Christopher Boyle: The Declaration of Independence

Horry County Museum 805 Main Street, Conway, SC, United States

The Horry County Museum and the AVX Foundation present a lecture by local author and historian Christopher Boyle on the Declaration of Independence on Saturday, June 22nd, at 1:00 PM. Attendees will learn about the influences behind the creation of this historic document and the compromises that the colonies had to make in order to produce the final product.

Christopher C. Boyle is a full-time social studies teacher at Socastee High School in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and a part-time teaching associate at Coastal Carolina University in Conway. Upon graduation from Coastal Carolina University with his bachelor’s degree in history, he further studied history at Winthrop University where he graduated in 1996 with his Master of Arts degree in American history. Boyle is the author of Mansfield Plantation: A Legacy on the Black River and The Road to Secession in Antebellum Georgetown & Horry Counties.

Wash Day

L.W. Paul Living History Farm 2279 Harris Short Cut Rd, Conway, SC, United States

Experience life on the one horse family farm in Horry County from 1900-1955 at the L.W. Paul Living History Farm. Join us for Wash Day on Tuesday, June 25th from 9:00 AM-3:00 PM to see how clothes would have been washed using a scrub board and wash pot, and dried using a clothes line.

A free, hour long, guided tour of the farm will be available to the public starting at 3:00 PM.

How Does the Garden Grow?

L.W. Paul Living History Farm 2279 Harris Short Cut Rd, Conway, SC, United States

Experience life on the “one horse farm” in Horry County from 1900-1955 at the L.W. Paul Living History Farm. Join us on June 26th from 9:30 AM until 10:30 AM for a program on gardening where visitors can learn about growing a garden using heirloom varieties of vegetables and only organic fertilizers. At this program, staff will plant the summer cover crop for green fertilizer that will be used for next year’s garden.

Gettysburg: On Fields of Fire & Valor

Horry County Museum 805 Main Street, Conway, SC, United States

The 2019 Horry County Museum Documentary Film Series continues with Gettysburg: On Fields of Fire & Valor. This film, written and narrated by Rod Gragg, chronicles the Civil War Battle of Gettysburg, which was the decisive battle of the American Civil War. At the Pennsylvania town of Gettysburg on July 1-3, 1863, more than 95,000 Northern troops led by General George Meade engaged in battle with approximately 75,000 Southern soldiers under the command of General Robert E. Lee. Meade’s Army of the Potomac was defeated by Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia on the battle’s opening day, but held off Lee’s attacks for the next two days, and the battle ended in a major Northern victory. Lee’s army was forced to retreat back to Virginia, and although bloody warfare continued for two more years, the Battle of Gettysburg was the turning point of the Civil War.

Sawmill Saturday

L.W. Paul Living History Farm 2279 Harris Short Cut Rd, Conway, SC, United States

Experience life on the one horse family farm in Horry County from 1900-1955 at the L.W. Paul Living History Farm. Join us for Sawmill Saturday from 9:30 AM-11:30 AM on June 29th to see the sawmill in operation. There were, and still are, a lot of trees being grown in Horry County for timber production. In the early twentieth century, most communities had a sawmill in the area to get the trees from their forest turned into boards. Farm staff and designated volunteers will operate the sawmill and discuss how saw dust from the mill could be used around the farm.