Kathleen Armel: Small Quilts
Horry County Museum 805 Main Street, ConwayWe’re celebrating textiles all month at the Horry County Museum. Join us for a program by Kathleen Armel on Thursday, March 28th at 11 AM. Kathleen will show off a collection of small wall and kitchen quilts.
Kathleen’s quilt journey mirrors all the moves she and her husband made while she was employed by JC Penney, and ending here in Conway, with Belk. Starting in West Virginia, and moving through Indiana/Kentucky, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, Pennsylvania and North Carolina. Armel’s progress in quilting grew with every move, and each quilt made has a story. Kathleen considers herself a traditionalist, as she favors simple blocks and basic colors. At last count, Armel’s home has over 74 quilts in it! Almost every room has a quilt or more. Kathleen is also one of the founding members of the Conway Quilt Guild, which was started in 2013 by the late Kim Parker of Horry County Parks & Recreation Seniors Program. She is thrilled to see the group grow from 9 members to over 70 these past 9 years and feels that her piecing and quilting has grown even more with the sharing of knowledge this group shares!
The program will be held at the Horry County Museum, located at 805 Main Street, Conway SC. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, call 843-915-5320 or email hcg.museum@horrycountysc.gov. To view a full list of programs, visit our website at www.horrycountymuseum.org.