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How Does the Garden Grow? Organic Gardening at the L.W. Paul Living History Farm

L.W. Paul Living History Farm 2279 Harris Short Cut Rd, Conway

Experience life on the “one horse farm” in Horry County from 1900-1955 at the L.W. Paul Living History Farm. Join us on September 25th from 9:30 AM until 10:30 AM for a program on gardening where visitors can learn about growing a garden using heirloom varieties of vegetables and only organic fertilizers. […]

Hard to Say Goodbye: The Official Documentary of the Myrtle Beach Pavilion.

Horry County Museum 805 Main Street, Conway

The 2019 Horry County Museum Documentary Film Series continues with Hard to Say Goodbye: The Official Documentary of the Myrtle Beach Pavilion. For almost 100 years the Myrtle Beach Pavilion played a beloved role in Myrtle Beach history. From its origins as a meeting place and dance hall to the arrival of famed general manager Earl Husted and its expansion into a world famous amusement park, this official documentary, commissioned by park owner Burroughs & Chapin Company and accomplished in union with Myrtle Beach’s award-winning Stages Video Productions, captures the magic and memories that made the Myrtle Beach Amusement Park a family favorite for generations.

The film is free to the public and will be shown at 1:00 PM, Wednesday, September 25th, at the Horry County Museum, located at 805 Main Street in Conway.