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Museum Matinee: Beyond Barbados: The Carolina Connection

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Museum Matinee: Beyond Barbados: The Carolina Connection

December 15, 2021 @ 1:00 pm

The 2021 Horry County Museum Documentary Film Series continues with Beyond Barbados: The Carolina Connection. Part of the SCETV Carolina Stories Series, Beyond Barbados traces the historic influence of the small island of Barbados on the wealth and success of a place 2,000 miles away: the Carolinas. Scholars examine the cultural exchange that impacted the development of language, food and architecture, and recount how the economic and governmental systems created, tested and proven by the West Indies sugar industry forged the prosperity and power of the Carolinas – chief among them the institution of slavery.

The film is free to the public and will be shown at 1:00 PM, Wednesday, December 15th at the Horry County Museum, located at 805 Main Street in Conway.

The Horry County Museum Documentary Film Matinees will continue throughout 2021. For a full list of films, visit our website at For more information, call the Horry County Museum at 843-915-5320 or e-mail


December 15, 2021
1:00 pm


Horry County Museum
805 Main Street
Conway, SC 29526 United States
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