Experience life on the “one horse farm” in Horry County from 1900-1955 at the L.W. Paul Living History Farm. Join us on October 23rd from 9:30 AM until 10:30 AM for a program on gardening where visitors can learn about growing a garden using heirloom varieties of vegetables and only organic fertilizers. In this presentation, staff will demonstrate harvesting and cleaning fresh greens from the garden.
The L. W. Paul Living History Farm is open Tuesday-Saturday 9 AM-4 PM and teaches the history of the Horry County farm family. The farm is free and open to the public and is located at the corner of Hwy 701 North and Harris Short Cut Road in Conway, SC. For more information, call the L. W. Paul Living History Farm at 843-365-3596 or email hcgmuseum@horrycounty.org. For a full list of programs and events at the Horry County Museum and L.W. Paul Living History Farm, visit www.horrycountymuseum.org.